Complementary medicine in Bromley
Complementary treatment methods are getting more and more prominent with each passing day. On this page, we talk about the history behind the rise and establishment of osteopathy.
Our Osteopaths qualified at the University College of Osteopathy (formerly known as the British School of Osteopathy) or the London School of Osteopathy and are all registered with the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC). Registration with the GOsC is a legal requirement for Osteopaths.
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origin of Osteopathy
Andrew Taylor Still MD DO (1828–1917) introduced an alternative approach to treating patients, which in order to be truly effective, requires that the body be in harmony. Over the years, he carried out detailed research and developed his theory, which is that all parts of our body must be working in harmony and in synergy to start the process of healing. During this same period, he developed another method that involves using his hands to correct minor areas of misalignment within the body, help restore harmony and thus start recovery in a natural way, without the use of the drugs. This method later came to be known as osteopathy.
Emergence in Britain
Although Andrew Taylor Still was based in America, his methods and theories had become hugely popular and eventually reached the shores of Britain. Osteopaths trained in America brought their skills to Britain and in 1911 The British Osteopathic Association was formed, soon to be followed by the British School of Osteopathy in 1915. From that period the profession has grown over the years to reach the levels it has reached today.

Public acceptance
Compared with America, it took a long time for osteopathy to become acknowledged in Britain. It took till 1993 for osteopathy to get the recognition it merited (The Osteopaths Act). Soon this led to the establishment of the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC), the administrative body that regulates the standards and practices of the profession to protect the public. The British Osteopathic Association finally merged with two other bodies and continues today as the Institute of Osteopathy (iO) to offer regulatory and association services supporting its osteopathic members.
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